The Introduction
20th Feb, 2025
In starting a blog, I initially didn't know what the blog was going to be about. The question quickly resolved itself.
It would be a long form diary of sorts. Standard. It was in fact one of my first thoughts on the matter, but how cliche and worn out. Who am I? Samantha from Sex and the City?!
Before you say anything, no. No, I have not seen Sex in the City, and, therefore, don't know if Samantha is actually writing for a blog. Heck I don't I don't even know if Samantha is the lead or if their is a character named Samantha. You know the sentiment of the statement though.
Don't you?
Back on topic.
This will be a long form diary for myself. I plan to textually process my state of being and identity, rant about my passions, and share my special interests.
The internet being as it is, many people probably won't see this. In fact, it is possible no one will. (Though I still fantasize about returning to the days of "surfing the web" and calling it "The Net" I mean... hell ya! right?!)
I hope someone might see this though and empathize with it.
I do already have a series planned out. Ambitious I know, but as I said earlier, "I initially didn't know what the blog was going to be about. The question quickly resolved itself." The upcoming series is about the inciting incident that created this Net Diary (trademark pending).
I'm so excited and nervous to bear my heart to the web. Please, know it may not be safe for all ages, but could also be relevant to the other queers out there.
Damn. I've said to much!
Keep your eyes on this space, because The Deep End - Part One is coming VERY soon.